Genre Shooter
 Team James Whitehead
 Version 1.1
 Size 1.2mb
Titan Exodus you say? Titan Exodus is an arcade space shooter and is quite old looking. Infact I'd say its the ugliest game I've made BUT it did something right; probably THE best pixel artist in the click world, Biax, got so inspired by this he is making a sequel! The story continues of the Exodus pilots. TE features 5 levels and has a nifty shop feature where you purchase new weapons and ship upgrades. Again, TE was born out of an experiment!



-Download full game (1.03mb)

Born out of an engine experiment
I've never completed this game, only 1 person I know has and he's making the sequel!
The intro tune was a rip from Turrican 3's intro tune.


Everything, unless otherwise stated, on this site is from the hands of James Whitehead. Or occasionally Tom Engels or Caroline Powrie. All your base sure do belong to us. email me at jimmirock@hotmail.com if you have any questions or comments. 2004