Genre Arcade
 Team James Whitehead
 Version 1.0
 Size 2.6mb
This was just a college project (Year 1, Unit 6), god knows why I'm putting it in here. Neroman is a superhero! And some evil person who looks like David Bowie has captured a sweet innocent child! So Neroman must traverse 3 levels of platforming emptiness to rescue our dear victim! Took about 3 hours to make and I did the music! Now if only I handed this in on time I would have had a merit :(



-Download full game (2.29mb)

Yet another college project
The characters are me!!!!
Ive got a few ideas for a little sequel


Everything, unless otherwise stated, on this site is from the hands of James Whitehead. Or occasionally Tom Engels or Caroline Powrie. All your base sure do belong to us. email me at if you have any questions or comments. 2004