The Face is very simple. When you hit the ground he will appear. When he is level with Sam he will shoot forward, and every second or so he will shoot in a random direction, not necessarily at Sam
Tank can only be hurt by bombs. Luckily some are growing around him. Avoid his yellow laser and all will be fine.
Giant Twaddle has a lot of health. He has no real attack, other than his gigantic size which causes the ground to shake. Every 5 seconds or so he will stop and lay 3 Twaddle eggs. Which will in turn hatch out and lay more eggs. The trick here is wait on the edges of the cliff. If you were lucky and brought a rocket launcher with you then this boss should be a little easier, however you cannot bring the rocket launcher back up the cliff face. There is a secret too; in the top right corner of the level is a sword hiding in a cave.
Super Hamster is a giant hamster sat in a giant hamsterball. His attack is rolling into you. Which can only be avoided by jumping over the ball entirely. As he loses health his speed will increase. Perfect attack method is to lose a couple of lives by holding a standing blast. This will chop his health down whilst he's slow. At faster speeds perform a down blast when he's beneath you.
Edward has an easy attack pattern, but has a lot of health as he is a really fat fish. Whenever he stops he will either spit out mines or grow spikes. Either one you don't want to be near. A good tip is to blow up the mines to damage him.
A fairly simple boss that requires you to keep moving. When the water rises, Simon will lay mines in the water. They will blow up by themselves as the water drops so keep an eye out there. Furthermore, you can only attack the furthest body part from Simon's body. You have to destroy each piece until you get to his head. Mines are a very powerful weapon here, and he will often hurt himself (though not much) by planting mines as the water is dropping. You'll need quick reactions for this one.
Those wily bad guys have stuck a robot in a snow ball. This can be quite a tough battle. Basically the level automatically scrolls, so you can't stand still, and as the Snowball moves it grows back. As the boss is damaged it's snowball shrinks, but as the snow grows back so does it's health. Every so often it will call out some orbs. Either a ground or sky orb, or both. These shoot out beams so be careful about where you are vertically in the level. A good tip is to perform continuous small jumping beams on the boss, if you happen to be in the air when an orb appears you can do a down blast instead.
Rubis, Sam's rival. Whilst fighting Rubis you will be stuck on one side of the screen with Rubis on the other. He will run at you and jump randomly, he will also jump if you do. Every so often he will launch a beam attack. This is timed so you can avoid it pretty easily. Overall he's not too hard a boss.
This boss is split into 3 sections, and you're flying on a dragon! You will need to destroy those 2 engines that spin around first. Keep an eye out though, when they start to spin around fast he is about to attack. If he moves down then he will launch a beam and fly up. If he moves up then he will launch a beam and fly down. Try and keep near, always firing at the engines but never get hit by his beam. When you destroy a beam it will become a spike ball, they cannot take damage but they will hurt Sam. When all engines are gone attack the Ion core. Avoid the spike balls as they move in and out.
Raven Heart is the spirit of Ravenstones. He cannot hurt Sam on collision, which is useful on this boss. He will move sequentially from the left, middle to the end of the screen. When he stops he will fire a bunch of shots at Sam. Which are quite easy to avoid but very slow moving. The only way to damage him is by getting the giant spike ball to hit him. Which is much easier when the boss is in the middle of the screen. You can slow down or speed up the ball by shooting it. Watch out for the fire and the spike ball and all will be well.
Welcome to the final boss. In this section you need to bounce back rockets from the bosses ship. Just don't hit them yourself! Keep an eye out on where he is going too, so you know where to aim the rockets too.
In this section you need too shoot the boss. He'll come at you with lasers and firey things will appear and follow you from below. It's pretty straight forward.
The boss hits the ground causing a huge crater. When you enter the boss's soul appears. This golden form is the only thing that can damage here. it will shield itself with shards of the ship, but water forces the shards away from the soul. The boss will attack by summoning enemies from time to time.
This boss causes a bit of confusion. The trick here is to lure the boss into the lava but to avoid it yourself at the same time. He will follow you vertically but he bobs up and down, which is why you have to keep close to the lava. Just like the previous soul boss, he cannot hurt you by contact. Good luck.