Genre Platform
 Team James Whitehead
 Version 1.1
 Size 2.7mb
Sam... what can I say! Sam is my little mascot, firstly appearing in dreams and very VERY old games (1997). One day I came up with a way how to do particles in my head... So I experimented and created Bloomer, but Bloomer didn't have a style I liked. Enter Satan Sam! Sam is a fast-paced puzzle platformer but there are signs of laziness in here a few of menu features don't work and I got really bored towards the end of this game which is why it ends suddenly. but don't let that deter you! Sam is one of my most downloaded games and as short and with an unfinished feeling it has; its quite fun to play. Sequel in the works.
**NOW compiled in MMF for maximum running speed.



-Download full game (2.7mb)

Sam has been my mascot ever since college began. One of our first projects was to make a site on Flash, so I made Satansam and its stuck ever since!
Sam was born on holiday in France.
Sam was originally a minigame in an age old game of mine; Trip to the Top.
The sequel is well into production.


Everything, unless otherwise stated, on this site is from the hands of James Whitehead. Or occasionally Tom Engels or Caroline Powrie. All your base sure do belong to us. email me at if you have any questions or comments. 2004